Services and Prices

Dr Cahalane offers confidential, non-judgemental individual psychological assessment and treatment.

Services offered

For Adolescents & Adults:

Psychological assessment:

  • Structured assessment of mental health and personality disorder

Psychological formulation and treatment of a range of emotional and psychological difficulties in adults, including:

  • Depression and other mood-related problems
  • Anxiety problems (general anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder)
  • Emotional regulation difficulties
  • Self-esteem difficulties
  • Psychosis and schizophrenia (when people have unusual experiences, for example hearing voices, seeing things, developing unusual, distressing or bizarre beliefs)
  • Interpersonal problems/personality disorder (problems in relationships or getting on with others)
  • Stress-related problems and problems with coping
  • Bereavement problems
  • Assessment of cognitive abilities (e.g. problems with memory, learning)


Psychological therapy (50 minute session): 2000 Kč

As a registered psychotherapist with ČAP, I cooperate with VZP health insurance. If you are a VZP payer, you will be entitled to claim back 500 Kc per sessions for up to a maximum of 10 sessions per year.

**Prices for clients based in other countries may vary: please contact me to request more specific information.**

Other services offered:

Specialist consultations*:

  • Cognitive assessment/assessment of intellectual functioning using the WISC (children) or WAIS (adults): 12000 Kč
  • Assessment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: 15000 Kč

Psychological reports:

  • Letters/brief psychological reports (less than 2 pages): 2000 Kč
  • Detailed psychological reports: 3500 Kč

Clinical supervision and professional Schema Therapy accreditation supervision: more information upon request

Teaching & training services: more information upon request

*Prices include the cost of all assessment interviews, testing sessions, interpretation or results, production of full written psychological report, feedback session and any follow-up liaison work with schools etc as required.